A New Era of Assets

Data is the newest, and potentially most valuable, asset you own. It's free - you just need to have a convenient way of selling or sharing it. And it helps if it's secure and private. That's where Come2U excels!

Make it Yours

Capture, Store, Manage, Retrieve , and Sell or Share your Data simply.

Maintain Control

Keep your Data locked down securely, until you're ready to sell or share it.

Make it Searchable

Easy to Find, easy to Sell, easy to Share, easy to Manage


Come2U Data Solutions

You own so much more Data than you can imagine. Come2U makes it simple to Capture, simple to Store, simple to Sell or Share, and gives you the Ultimate Control over all your Data. 

Smart Contracts

Manage all your data without any outside control over it. Every type of data you own can be captured, from Real Estate images and docs to property you own to social media and more. It's always searchable and available to you, and you don't have to ask permission to use it.